Discover 10 Natural DIY Remedies to Soothe Dry Skin at Home

 Dry skin culprits abound, ranging from daily bathing habits like hot showers and vigorous towel-drying to harsh winter climates and decreased skin oil production with age.

The good news is, if you're not dealing with a specific skin condition, you might find relief from dry skin without a dermatologist visit. Home remedies could be the key to enhancing your skincare routine.

Many of these remedies feature common kitchen ingredients. Coconut oil, tea, and aloe vera, among others, have long histories as natural remedies in various cultures worldwide. However, if an underlying skin condition is contributing to your dryness, it's wise to consult a board-certified dermatologist before trying any home remedy. This precaution can prevent exacerbating dry skin issues.

"Home remedies offer significant benefits for various skin types, particularly when you need a quick solution or prefer alternative skincare options," notes Jennifer Adell, a licensed aesthetician and senior aesthetician at New Beauty and Wellness in Westport, Connecticut. "Yet, if you're dealing with persistent skin conditions like rosacea, psoriasis, or cystic acne, it's advisable to seek advice from an aesthetician or dermatologist."

        Why you need natural remedy for dry skin rather than using purchased products

Opting for a natural remedy for dry skin rather than purchasing a product can be beneficial if you're wary of lengthy ingredient lists. According to Christine Poblete-Lopez, MD, residency program director and vice chair of the department of dermatology at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, over-the-counter products often contain numerous ingredients, including moisturizers and preservatives, which can be concerning. Water-based products, in particular, are susceptible to bacterial growth, as noted by Michigan State University. Although these preservatives, along with additives like alcohol and fragrances, are well-intentioned, they may contribute to irritation, dryness, and occasional allergic reactions.

For those with allergies or sensitive skin, maintaining a simple skincare routine might be preferable. Unlike preservative-heavy water-based lotions and creams, oils offer a natural base that can be beneficial for dry skin, provided there's no underlying skin condition involved.

However, it's important to note that oils and other over-the-counter remedies are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), so they may not be entirely risk-free. To ensure safety, consulting with a dermatologist before incorporating any new DIY skincare regimen is always advisable.

           Ways natural remedies can be of help in smoothing dry and irritated skin

Natural remedies can effectively soothe dry and irritated skin by replenishing the natural oils that protect against moisture loss. For instance, everyday actions like forgetting to moisturize or using drying soaps can strip away these oils, leaving the skin vulnerable.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), choosing the right oil is crucial, especially for those prone to acne, where excess sebum production is a concern. Tea tree oil, for example, has shown promise in improving mild to moderate acne in studies published in the Australasian Journal of Dermatology. However, it's essential to consult with a dermatologist before starting any new acne treatment, as tea tree oil can potentially cause skin irritation.

There are various ways to harness the moisturizing benefits of oils, either alone or combined with other ingredients, to create DIY treatments such as nourishing masks or exfoliating scrubs. Christine Poblete-Lopez recommends oils like castor oil, lavender oil, and avocado oil for individuals with dry skin.

Coconut oil, commonly found in kitchen cabinets, can also be beneficial for dry skin conditions like atopic dermatitis, as shown in previous trials where it helped improve symptoms such as dryness and itching.

Additionally, aloe vera, known for its natural healing properties, serves effectively as a moisturizer, making it a popular choice in skincare routines.

      Next time your dry skin needs some pampering, consider trying one of these straightforward DIY remedies at home.

1. Opt for Extra-Virgin Olive Oil as a Quick Moisturizer

When your skin craves immediate moisture, consider using extra-virgin olive oil as an alternative to your regular moisturizer, advises Adell. She highlights its rich content of vitamin E, antioxidants, squalene, and skin-repairing properties. However, she cautions that olive oil may not be suitable for acne-prone skin due to its potential to clog pores. Before applying, it's wise to consult with a dermatologist to ensure it's suitable for your skin type. Research published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences suggests that while olive oil can reduce inflammation, using it topically on its own might compromise your skin barrier. Adell suggests opting for pure, unrefined olive oil and using it sparingly—like adding a few drops to a face mask or gently massaging it onto extremely dry areas such as elbows.

2. Create a Nourishing Avocado Mask

Another effective DIY remedy for soothing dry skin is an avocado mask, which Adell personally uses at home. She notes that avocados are rich in antioxidants and probiotics, promoting healthy and radiant skin. Her recommended recipe involves mixing ½ avocado with ¼ cup of plain Greek yogurt, known for its lactic acid content that enhances skin texture according to a review in Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. To this mixture, add a drizzle of manuka honey and 1 teaspoon of turmeric for potential anti-inflammatory benefits, which can help alleviate symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions like eczema as suggested in a study published in Nutrients. Apply the mask to clean skin, leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes, and then rinse off for refreshed and nourished skin.

3. Crafting a Natural Coconut Oil and Sugar Scrub

For those concerned about dry skin texture, a homemade sugar scrub could be the answer. According to Michigan State University, blend 1 cup of brown or granulated sugar with ½ cup of coconut oil. To enhance the experience, consider incorporating lavender essential oil, known for its natural fragrance and potential to promote relaxation, as highlighted in a January 2022 study from the Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine. Massage the scrub gently onto your skin for up to 30 seconds before rinsing with lukewarm water. Finally, seal in the benefits with a soothing moisturizer, as recommended by the AAD for maintaining freshly exfoliated skin.

It's important to note that physical exfoliation like this may not be suitable for all skin types. The AAD advises against using scrubs on sensitive, acne-prone, or irritated skin.

Adell advises caution, especially when using sugar scrubs on facial skin. "Facial skin is delicate and prone to irritation from physical exfoliation," she explains. "Instead, I recommend using chemical peel pads or enzyme powders for gentler exfoliation."

4. Formulating an Easy Oatmeal Soak to Soothe Your Skin

Adding a cup of oatmeal to a warm bath can naturally replenish dry skin, according to Poblete-Lopez. "Oatmeal itself is inherently soothing," she notes, aiding in moisture retention from the bathwater. Alternatively, for a clean bath experience, tie oats in pantyhose to your faucet and let the water pass through them.

For those with eczema, oatmeal can provide relief from dry, inflamed, or irritated skin associated with atopic and contact dermatitis, as suggested by DermNetNZ. In a double-blind study published in March 2020 in Clinical Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, colloidal oatmeal exhibited anti-inflammatory, soothing, and protective properties when used to treat hand eczema.

5. Exfoliating Your Face With a Homemade Oatmeal Honey Mask

Oatmeal also serves as an excellent exfoliator or mask. Combine 2 tablespoons of oats with 1 tablespoon of honey and a splash of water. Use it for immediate exfoliation or leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes as a hydrating, soothing mask, as highlighted in an October 2021 review in Open Life Sciences. Additionally, honey's antimicrobial properties may aid in speeding up wound healing.

6. Applying Coconut Oil Before Bedtime

Coconut oil, highlighted in a July 2022 review from the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology with origins in African and Indian traditions, is widely favored for its benefits to hair and skin. According to Tsippora Shainhouse, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at SkinSafe Dermatology and Skin Care in Beverly Hills, California, "Coconut oil solidifies at room temperature, making it ideal as a moisturizing cream before bedtime or anytime." For dry heels and hands, Dr. Shainhouse recommends applying coconut oil followed by wearing thick socks or non-latex gloves.

7. Exploring Nourishing Oils

Dr. Shainhouse underscores the effectiveness of natural oils in moisturizing the skin and restoring its natural barrier, which can be compromised by frequent washing with water and harsh soaps. Beyond olive and coconut oils, other options like jojoba, argan, and avocado oils are free from irritants. Her suggested method involves adding a few tablespoons of the chosen oil to running bathwater for a brief soak. Afterward, gently pat the skin dry to preserve the oil's benefits.

However, as noted in a December 2017 study in Women's Health, bathing with oils may not be advisable for women due to potential risks to vaginal health. Instead, applying a small amount of oil to the skin after showering is recommended to maintain softness and moisture.

8. Utilize Honey as a Treatment for Dry Patches

Honey's emollient and humectant properties, supported by past research, effectively soften and moisturize the skin. It serves as an alternative remedy for various skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, and dandruff.

Furthermore, honey, particularly manuka honey, demonstrates impressive wound-healing abilities as noted in previous reviews. Its natural antimicrobial properties maintain moisture, creating a protective barrier against infections.

These attributes make honey an excellent foundation for facial masks and a potent spot treatment for dry, irritated skin patches. Adding manuka honey to recipes, as recommended by Adell for the avocado mask, enhances wound healing and reduces skin inflammation. To use, apply a small amount of honey to affected areas, leaving it on for several minutes before rinsing off.

9. Prepare Tea Bags to Ease Inflammation

Beyond consumption, tea bags offer additional skincare benefits from your pantry, suggests Adell. Herbal teas like chamomile and jasmine, along with caffeinated green and black teas, can be repurposed for topical use.

Research from the Cincinnati Health Institute highlights the cooling and anti-inflammatory effects of black and green tea bags on the skin. Additionally, black tea bags help balance the skin's natural pH levels.

Caffeine found in these teas can reduce under-eye circles by constricting blood vessels in this delicate area, notes Adell. For this purpose, she advises placing cool, wet tea bags under each eye for 5 to 10 minutes.

A small-scale study in the December 2019 Journal of Dermatological Treatment examined the benefits of gauze compresses soaked in weak, room-temperature black tea followed by an emollient cream for individuals with facial atopic dermatitis. After three days of regular use, participants reported improved skin conditions without notable side effects.

Regarding herbal tea bags, Adell recommends chamomile for its inflammation-reducing properties. "It soothes irritated skin, making it suitable for relieving itchiness, rashes, and flaky skin." She suggests applying brewed and cooled chamomile directly onto the skin for up to 30 minutes, noting jasmine tea's potential benefits for acne treatment.

10. Embrace the Basics with Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly, commonly found in products like Vaseline or Aquaphor, offers versatile benefits according to the AAD. It effectively alleviates dry skin, prevents chafing, and promotes skin healing.

Recommended for use all over the body, including lips and eyelids, petroleum jelly enthusiasts often use a technique called "slugging," leaving it on overnight for maximum moisturizing benefits.

For optimal results, apply petroleum jelly to damp skin throughout the day as needed. However, individuals with acne-prone skin should avoid applying it to the face to prevent potential breakouts.

            5 Expert Tips to Prevent Dry Skin Recurrence

Once you've replenished your skin's moisture, follow these steps to maintain its health and prevent dryness

1. Integrate moisturizing into your daily skincare routine. Immediately after showering, apply a generous amount of moisturizing lotion or opt for an ointment or cream, especially beneficial for very dry skin, advises the AAD. Look for ingredients like shea butter, hyaluronic acid, or jojoba oil for added hydration.

2. Adopt skin-friendly bathing practices. Avoid prolonged hot showers or baths, keeping your bathing time between 5 to 10 minutes, recommends the AAD. Replace harsh bar soaps with mild cleansers or liquid body washes to avoid skin irritation caused by fragrances and preservatives.

3. Steer clear of harsh chemicals. Alcohol and apple cider vinegar can exacerbate dry skin and potentially cause irritation or burns, cautions Shainhouse.

4. Maintain adequate hydration. While the direct link between drinking water and alleviating dry skin isn't fully established, staying well-hydrated offers numerous health benefits, as noted by the Mayo Clinic.

5. Dress appropriately for the weather. Beyond sunscreen in summer, protect your skin from winter dryness and chapping by wearing gloves and appropriate clothing, advises Shainhouse.

